October 22, 2024

Web copy: The false choice of brand vs. response

Beware the hype about hype copy. It can take you off strategy. Case in point is an article I saw recently titled The epic face-off in copywriting: hype vs. no-hype. It is a frontal attack on direct response copywriting masked as a critique of hype. I am surprised a commentary on the evils of hype […]

9 keys to writing likeable content on your blog

Whenever the political season comes around there is a lot of discussion about the candidates’ likeability. For bloggers and content marketers this is a consideration for all seasons. One key to influencing people on your blog is the ability to present information in a way that builds likeability. People are more likely to agree with, follow […]

Web copy: What you don’t know will hurt you

There is a difference between Web copy and Web content. It is the difference between getting subscribers, clicks and customers – and being ignored. Or worse. Here is an example that illustrates the point. A year ago I was searching on LinkedIn for people with SEO expertise. When I went to the top ranked profile […]

Brand journalism, yesterday and today

My first marketing mentor was fond of saying, “The old is forever new.” I think he would be fascinated by the concept of brand journalism today. He’d consider it old-school. Except for the technology, of course. Back in the 1970s he founded a direct marketing agency that was among the first to produce hybrid direct […]