July 27, 2024

Beat content apathy with audience-building tactics from the newsroom

Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? It’s a bummer to be ignored. I mean, you put a lot of work into producing content for your website, your emails, your social media networks. That’s where you meet most of your prospects today. When they show little interest, when your content goes unread and unshared, it […]

Dad’s old-school marketing lessons for today

Maybe father knows best after all. When it comes to marketing savvy, mine did. He also had a way of repeating himself that could drive a kid crazy. I heard the same stories, the same platitudes over and over again. It’s a wonder I don’t need special glasses from all the eye rolling I did […]

Brand journalism, yesterday and today

My first marketing mentor was fond of saying, “The old is forever new.” I think he would be fascinated by the concept of brand journalism today. He’d consider it old-school. Except for the technology, of course. Back in the 1970s he founded a direct marketing agency that was among the first to produce hybrid direct […]