October 22, 2024

Reimagining the ‘GO Digital’ blog

I have exciting news to share. I’ve made some significant changes to the GO Digital blog, starting with the name. It is now called Digital Heart. Along with the name change, you will notice there is a new look and editorial focus. Why the change? Over the past two years I have focused much of […]

A rescue plan to revive your dead blog

Guest post by Heart of Marketing intern Claire Freier   What would happen if you entered a marathon the day of the race with no training, no plan, no preparation? You’d likely expire in a heap of exhaustion long before reaching the finish line. That’s what happens with many business blogs. They launch with enthusiasm and […]

Business blogging today: Is it still worth the effort?

You have to wonder. Has business blogging peaked? At last count, there were more than 75 million WordPress blogs and 170 million Tumblr blogs. And that’s not counting all the other blogging platforms out there. It makes you think. With all that noise from all those blogs, will it make any difference to my business […]

The complete guide to optimizing content for people

Powerhouse blogging is equal parts content and delivery. You can have all the brilliant insights in the world. But if you can’t deliver your message in a way that connects with readers, your content will fade into the abyss. That’s what differentiates elite, A-list bloggers from the average schmo. They know how to make their […]