Go For The Heart, You Won’t Go Wrong
“Digital” and “Heart” are two ideas you don’t naturally put together. Digital media has given us amazing capabilities to reach the masses, to gather big data for powerful analytics, and to automate business processes like never before. But there is a downside to all of this. The downside is that it can strip away the humanity in our business relationships. It’s too easy to lose touch with the person on the other side of the screen. This blog is about putting heart into your marketing and making human connections in a digital world … the connections that drive business growth. Welcome … [Read More]
The Heart of Marketing
Heart marketing is not a new idea. But for many it’s a new perspective. Instead of looking for ways to interrupt people and persuade them to give you their time, attention and money, heart marketing takes a much-needed different approach. Because people are skeptical. They can sniff out an agenda in seconds. If you are motivated by self-centered short term needs of your business, they won’t care. And you need for them to care. Heart … [Read More]
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The many ways to create value people care about
There’s more to creating value than adding features and functions to your product. A lot more ... Today people have so many choices between comparable products and services that feature functionality is the minimum requirement for consideration. It takes greater value than that to make a … [Read More]
Higher purpose matters to your customers and your sales
Here is a paradox for the times. A brand’s higher purpose is the reason it exists beyond making money. But brands that have a clearly understood higher purpose frequently have the greatest financial growth. That conclusion comes from a Millward Brown analysis of the 50 fastest growing brands … [Read More]
Building your brand on moments of helpfulness
There is a difference between branding and being a brand. Branding focuses on the grand gesture. The big ad campaign with major media impressions. The breakthrough product innovation. The viral marketing event. Those things capture top-of-mind awareness for a short period of time. But in … [Read More]
The stories that matter
The most powerful brand stories aren’t the ones we tell our customers. They are the ones customers tell themselves. People tell themselves stories every day to make it easier to understand a complex world. The stories they tell have little to do with facts, and a lot to do with how they see … [Read More]