October 22, 2024

The heart of great content marketing: ‘Giving content gifts’

What kind of content will the people you hope to influence truly value? Not something they snack on like a bag of chips and are soon hungry for something else. But nourishing content that sticks to the ribs and gives them something they really want. It’s a question I had the opportunity to ask Ann […]

Building your brand on moments of helpfulness

There is a difference between branding and being a brand. Branding focuses on the grand gesture. The big ad campaign with major media impressions. The breakthrough product innovation. The viral marketing event. Those things capture top-of-mind awareness for a short period of time. But in today’s noisy marketplace that awareness is quickly displaced by the […]

The stories that matter

The most powerful brand stories aren’t the ones we tell our customers. They are the ones customers tell themselves. People tell themselves stories every day to make it easier to understand a complex world. The stories they tell have little to do with facts, and a lot to do with how they see the world. […]

Love is the ultimate market disruptor

Here’s an old idea for growing and sustaining a business in the shiny new digital world: Spread some love. Love is much more than an emotion. It is an action word. Love puts the interests of customers and stakeholders ahead of short term business interests. A business operating in love will look for products for its […]