September 19, 2024

Diabolical cliffhangers that compel people to read on

Ever get a nagging feeling no one is paying attention to your blog? You put in the work. You publish regularly. You promote your posts on social media. You write carefully crafted content for building an audience for your brand. Still you wonder if anybody actually reads it. Here is the cold, hard truth. It’s […]

Web copy: 100 artful ways to convert online prospects to online customers

  Need, want or desire? Savvy digital marketers know the difference – and use it as a competitive advantage True or false: Web copy that focuses on customer need and product benefit is your best bet for getting a response and driving conversions? If you said ‘true,’ congratulations. You are half right. It’s true, Web […]

Web copy: The false choice of brand vs. response

Beware the hype about hype copy. It can take you off strategy. Case in point is an article I saw recently titled The epic face-off in copywriting: hype vs. no-hype. It is a frontal attack on direct response copywriting masked as a critique of hype. I am surprised a commentary on the evils of hype […]

Web copy: What you don’t know will hurt you

There is a difference between Web copy and Web content. It is the difference between getting subscribers, clicks and customers – and being ignored. Or worse. Here is an example that illustrates the point. A year ago I was searching on LinkedIn for people with SEO expertise. When I went to the top ranked profile […]