July 27, 2024

Nail your marketing message in 18 minutes

Isn’t it ironic? You’re the expert on your product. You’ve logged hundreds of hours collecting and analyzing marketing intelligence. Nobody walking the earth knows more about the features, advantages and benefits of your product than you. Then why is it so hard to turn all that knowledge into a compelling marketing message? You should be […]

The awful truth about succeeding with content in 2014

Content marketing is about way more than delivering information these days. Sure, how-to and list posts still get some notice. But not like they once did. We’ve all seen too many of them. So has your target audience. Cyberspace is evolving. And to succeed with content marketing you have to evolve with it. The bottom […]

The complete guide to optimizing content for people

Powerhouse blogging is equal parts content and delivery. You can have all the brilliant insights in the world. But if you can’t deliver your message in a way that connects with readers, your content will fade into the abyss. That’s what differentiates elite, A-list bloggers from the average schmo. They know how to make their […]

Diabolical cliffhangers that compel people to read on

Ever get a nagging feeling no one is paying attention to your blog? You put in the work. You publish regularly. You promote your posts on social media. You write carefully crafted content for building an audience for your brand. Still you wonder if anybody actually reads it. Here is the cold, hard truth. It’s […]