September 19, 2024

Direct marketing is alive and well on the internet

Is direct marketing still relevant in the Internet Age? In these heady times of digital disruption some marketing pundits and thought leader wannabes say it’s not. Some even declare direct marketing is dead. How do they arrive at this? Their assumption is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of what direct marketing is. Digital natives are […]

Dad’s old-school marketing lessons for today

Maybe father knows best after all. When it comes to marketing savvy, mine did. He also had a way of repeating himself that could drive a kid crazy. I heard the same stories, the same platitudes over and over again. It’s a wonder I don’t need special glasses from all the eye rolling I did […]

Win more customers with less digital content. Mail a letter

In a rising tide of content fatigue, a direct mail letter can be a surprisingly effective way to acquire customers When everyone zigs, it’s time to zag. Today the big zig is online. And the volume of digital communications is staggering. On any given day 145 billion emails are sent. We have gone from seeing […]

Web copy: 100 artful ways to convert online prospects to online customers

  Need, want or desire? Savvy digital marketers know the difference – and use it as a competitive advantage True or false: Web copy that focuses on customer need and product benefit is your best bet for getting a response and driving conversions? If you said ‘true,’ congratulations. You are half right. It’s true, Web […]