July 27, 2024

A suspect is not a prospect

Prospects are people who are able, ready and willing to buy. Suspects are merely eligible to do so. – Lester Wunderman Far too much time and money is wasted on marketing to suspects. Misusing data and technology enables marketers to waste time and money at scale. Prospecting with email is one example. Recently I got an […]

Business blogging today: Is it still worth the effort?

You have to wonder. Has business blogging peaked? At last count, there were more than 75 million WordPress blogs and 170 million Tumblr blogs. And that’s not counting all the other blogging platforms out there. It makes you think. With all that noise from all those blogs, will it make any difference to my business […]

Dad’s old-school marketing lessons for today

Maybe father knows best after all. When it comes to marketing savvy, mine did. He also had a way of repeating himself that could drive a kid crazy. I heard the same stories, the same platitudes over and over again. It’s a wonder I don’t need special glasses from all the eye rolling I did […]

Blogger insights this week: Cracking the code on social selling

How do you persuade a social media user into buying from you? That is one of the new selling challenges businesses are puzzling over today. Clearly people are not on social media to shop for products and services. They don’t want to see your advertising. And yet, that is where the prospects are. We are […]