October 5, 2024

Birth of a breakthrough idea

Ideas that don’t fly often start with a solution in search of a problem. But ideas that break through and disrupt markets start with identifying a problem that’s begging for a solution, and then imagining what might be. That doesn’t come from data off of a spreadsheet. It is born from insight that makes connections others […]

The covenant of trust

People don’t just listen to what you say, they watch what you do. You get their attention when your mission and message line up with what they believe. They want to buy from a brand that shares the same values they have. It’s more than a transaction to them. It’s personal. When they choose your […]

That moment you made me feel important

On the first morning of my stay at the Renaissance Hotel in Chicago I went to the restaurant for breakfast. I was seated at a table overlooking the downtown cityscape. The Chicago River, still green from St. Patrick’s Day, was tucked between the tall buildings and bustling streets a block away. The waiter, Ahmet was […]

Meaningful experience is the end game

Customers experience your brand in many ways. It’s in how your product works, how it feels, how easy it is to use … It’s in how you resolve a complaint … It’s in how easy it is to find an answer on your website … It’s in the colors inside your store, on your signs, […]