Powerhouse blogging is equal parts content and delivery. You can have all the brilliant insights in the world. But if you can’t deliver your message in a way that connects with readers, your content will fade into the abyss. That’s what differentiates elite, A-list bloggers from the average schmo. They know how to make their […]
I tweet, therefore I brand: Your simple guide to looking good and getting clicks on Twitter
Mom was right, appearances do matter. She couldn’t have anticipated a world with social media when she said it. But it applies there too. Each tweet in your Twitter stream is a 140-character snapshot of your brand. There are other important factors to your Twitter success like sharing great content, optimizing your profile and engaging […]
Filed Under: Social Media Tagged With: Brand, Brand Consistency, Brand Identity, branding, Hashtag, Readability, social media, Tweet, tweets, twitter