September 19, 2024

Birth of a breakthrough idea

Ideas that don’t fly often start with a solution in search of a problem. But ideas that break through and disrupt markets start with identifying a problem that’s begging for a solution, and then imagining what might be. That doesn’t come from data off of a spreadsheet. It is born from insight that makes connections others […]

The heart of great content marketing: ‘Giving content gifts’

What kind of content will the people you hope to influence truly value? Not something they snack on like a bag of chips and are soon hungry for something else. But nourishing content that sticks to the ribs and gives them something they really want. It’s a question I had the opportunity to ask Ann […]

How can we make the experience more magical?

We make assumptions about what people want based on what we know to be true, rather than what is possible. We assume that using technology to do the same things we’ve always done will give customers a better experience. But if we think about what is possible we find entirely new ways to solve their […]

Value is created by the questions you ask

  Finding ways to create value for customers is simply a matter of Q&A. Think about it this way: What happens when you ask yourself a question? Your mind immediately goes to work looking for the answer. Ideation is a process of asking and answering questions. So if you’re looking for ways to add value, […]