July 27, 2024

Birth of a breakthrough idea

Ideas that don’t fly often start with a solution in search of a problem. But ideas that break through and disrupt markets start with identifying a problem that’s begging for a solution, and then imagining what might be. That doesn’t come from data off of a spreadsheet. It is born from insight that makes connections others […]

Out of your mind and into the customer’s world

It’s easy to assume other people see the world the same way we do. We see the world through the lens of our own values, beliefs, rules, and biases that have been shaped by our life experiences. But it’s not safe to assume our customers are looking through the same lens. The Pepsi marketing team […]

A bold move to displace TV advertising

Media is migrating to digital platforms, and that is a problem for traditional advertisers. It’s no surprise that people hate the clutter, the hype, and the interruption of advertising. But what has surprised advertisers is the extent to which they will go to block, skip, and avoid them. Digital media gives them more ways to […]

The customer’s voice: Knowing vs. understanding

You can know a lot about your customers and still not really understand them. Today it’s relatively easy to collect data on customer behavior and customer sentiment. But these data don’t tell you why they do what they do or why they think what they think. Understanding the why is as important as knowing the what. […]