April 24, 2024

Love is the ultimate market disruptor

Here’s an old idea for growing and sustaining a business in the shiny new digital world: Spread some love. Love is much more than an emotion. It is an action word. Love puts the interests of customers and stakeholders ahead of short term business interests. A business operating in love will look for products for its […]

Direct marketing is alive and well on the internet

Is direct marketing still relevant in the Internet Age? In these heady times of digital disruption some marketing pundits and thought leader wannabes say it’s not. Some even declare direct marketing is dead. How do they arrive at this? Their assumption is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of what direct marketing is. Digital natives are […]

Buyer personas for selling toilet cleaner (and other marketing dirty work)

It started out innocently enough. We were having an earnest conversation about the ABCs of buyer personas: what they are, the business benefits they bring, and how to create them. We were well on our way to another informative discussion. Then it got weird. Jayme introduced an article from the Wall Street Journal titled Trying […]

One mistake the ‘smart kids’ make with integrated marketing

It’s like the Rubik’s Cube of marketing, only harder to solve. The smart kids are already at work organizing pieces of the puzzle, trying to find the solution to integrated marketing for the digital age. They are building models that look a lot like integrated marketing from the 90s, but with a focus on digital […]