September 14, 2024

A bold move to displace TV advertising

Media is migrating to digital platforms, and that is a problem for traditional advertisers. It’s no surprise that people hate the clutter, the hype, and the interruption of advertising. But what has surprised advertisers is the extent to which they will go to block, skip, and avoid them. Digital media gives them more ways to […]

Ready for primetime? How to revive a comatose Twitter account for a live chat in 30 days

Here’s a challenge for you: A client in a highly regulated industry just learned they are going to be featured in a primetime story on 20/20. It’s a rare public relations opportunity to shine in their industry. They’ve asked you to help get maximum exposure for them on Twitter. There’s just one little problem. Before […]

One mistake the ‘smart kids’ make with integrated marketing

It’s like the Rubik’s Cube of marketing, only harder to solve. The smart kids are already at work organizing pieces of the puzzle, trying to find the solution to integrated marketing for the digital age. They are building models that look a lot like integrated marketing from the 90s, but with a focus on digital […]