July 27, 2024

Why everyone wants to sit at Pedro’s Table

On the first morning of Tim’s Mexico vacation he walked out to the beach to watch the sunrise. Alone with the sound of the waves washing on the shore, he waited. Slowly the sun peeked over the horizon. It was six o’clock. Little did Tim know it was the dawning of a day that would […]

Branding and the “It” factor

Is there an “it” factor to building a brand and becoming known, or can anybody do it? That’s a question that has haunted Mark Schaefer for some time. So much so that he has decided to write a new book on the subject. Recently I had the opportunity to pick Mark’s brain to find out […]

Customer love never fails

Today there is one commandment of marketing success. Get it right and everything falls into place. Miss it, and all of your marketing efforts are in vain. It is the foundation to building relationships with customers and prospective customers. The First Commandment of Marketing is: Love thy customer. That’s right, I dropped the L-bomb. Love […]